Friday, September 18, 2009

My first Thoughts of High School

I enjoy high school much better than middle school because there is much more freedom and advanced levels of biology and geometry. The after school activities like the dances can help bring new friends. I would like to start my paper by talking about the freedom and the creativity in global education.

Global education allows us the freedom of discussion ant thought without the dictating thoughts of textbooks. Current events allows us to connect with the world's past and shows us what is really out there, and why it affects us. Being an active participator, I find current events and discussions of culture quite interesting. One of our latest discussion was about political correctness. The great thing besides discussing culture and current events, is high school freedom itself.

In high school I get more freedom. It seems as if I changed suddenly from a child, to an adult. As an," Adult", my most favorite freedom is being able to walk around at lunchtime. It creates a bigger space that allows room for many students who eat lunch there, It creates privacy. The also allow one extra minute of passing time, this seems fitting for the size of the building. The thing is tough, the size and the many classes makes it harder to see people that I know so I go to the many activities and dances after school.

The most recent activity that I went to was going to the freshman dance. I saw most of the people I knew from eighth grade there, and some were glad to see me, and many wished that I was not there at all. I cannot figure out why yet. I had a good time though, and I thought that occasionally those kinds of things were worth doing, for catching up with classmates.They did not have much there, a DJ outside and free water bottles. I wonder If they will become more elaborate.

The point is, that I like high school much better than I liked middle school.

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